「自然にできる偶発的な美」完全にコントロールできないものの美しさに魅了され、氷を使って布を染める「氷染め」という技法で作品を制作。武蔵野美術大学在学中、特殊デザイン技法特許取得。卒業後単身パリへ渡仏、アーティスト活動を本格化する。 現在は東京を拠点に国内、海外にて個展開催、アートフェアへ参加。その他、衣装提供、他アーティストとのコラボレーション、AR、Virtual技術を活用し、氷染作品に落とし込んだ作品を発表。2020年10月ミラノで開催された、ReA!Art fair Milano 100人のアーティストの1人に選ばれる。
I am fascinated by the "accidental beauty that comes naturally", the beauty of things that cannot be completely controlled, and I create works using a technique called "ice dyeing", which uses ice to dye cloth. While I was in college, I obtained a patent for a special design technique. After graduation, I moved to Paris by myself and started my career as an artist. Currently, I am based in Tokyo, holding solo exhibitions in Japan and overseas, and participating in art fairs. In addition, I provide costumes, cllaborate with other artists, and am currently researching new ways to incorporate AR and Virtual technology into my ice dyeing works. In October 2020, I was selected as one of the 100 artists of ReA!
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